1st song you remember???

OK, not a mindbender of a thread but a fun one.

The absolute first song I really heard and remembered
was the theme to Davey Crockett, which year...1954 or 55. I was either 4 or 5. 1st "rock" song: Blueberry Hill by Fats
Domino, 1955 or 56. I was at a friends house and he had a
much older brother who had this 45 record player playing
this song over and over. Funny how you remember things. By the way I did have a Davey Crockett coonskin cap with tail.
Take Me Out to the Ballgame.....thankfully, no audiophile version of that one.
"Are You Experienced" - Hendrix. I was 5 years old (early 1967). My best friend invited me to listen to his parents new HiFi. We listened to that album all day long and when I brought the album home to show my parents, they absolutely flipped. This was way too radical for the 5 year old of a conservative Christian family. This memory had a huge influence on my musical taste ever since.