Anyone here knows the Reed 3Q tonearm?

Hello Guys,

I saw the Reed 3Q around the net and it smells a good tonearm .. it's interesting the 12" Reed 3Q or better I could be interested for my TW Acustic Raven One
Anyone here knows this arm and how it works/sounds?

here the link to see the Reed 3Q 12" tonearm

Best wishes to everyOne

Geoch, I am familiar with the Reed 2A in the actual sence
and with the Pluto in the virtual kind of sence. The Pluto is produced in the Netherlands by Edy Drissen our second 'grand master' next to Van den Hul. I think that the
complexity of Pluto is a small problem in comparition with
the price. Ie you will need much luck to sell the Pluto for
a 'reasonable' price.

Hi Nandric,
I don't care to sell anything.
My concern is about a set-up that can be a long time keeper.
I bought my first Pluto (7A special) twenty years back and my 9A Prestige Titanium since it's first day of commercial availability. I like it very much - especialy the synergy with the Colibri (an out of this world pair ).
I have 2 custom Riia (one is a differential octal 6sl7/6sn7/XXB & the other is a half active - half passive using Ecc803S/6J5 as a buffer with 1MOhm pot as a volume).
I also have a monoblock DHT OOA line preamp that I don't use for 2 years in favor for less gain stages, but it works miracles for digital sources.
You are right about the Pluto 9A (12000 euro) plus a last year's refreshing service (2500 euro) but in this hobby I realise & accept the fact of buying high prices & sell at 1/3rd. In my point of view, as this tonearm is titanium milled, hand build from it's inventor, it is not sponsored by magazines always keeping low profile (remember that the 9A is 15 years in the market so, it's price does not reflect the recent apetite for better tonearms), but sadly is the apparent amount of precise work to make it happen.
As of the real value of the Pluto 9A, well, you have to operate once with your hand to feel it's robust & surgical grade construction. Something way different of the skiny-light as feather, or cheap & easy to curve & mill Wood/Al (but anyway poor implemented & finished) competition. It's sound is engaging : explosive & highly detailed with excellent definition & perfect tonality. I would never put my self searching for a better match for my beloved XPP (the Colibri was a personal advice from Eddy) but it happens that my new found love for TD 124 mkII drives me for the 12" Reed 3Q as the armboard is the limiting factor & not the sound of the Pluto 9A. (The Symphonic Line RG6 has a very inventive cylindrical armboard that rotates around it's vertical axis & provides alignment for VTA also).
Sometimes I need to persuade my self not to be collective but rest upon the most simple & user friendly combo that has the most plain, least tempting appearence & the minimum of demands, just to remind myself that I'm not a wealthy yiappy but just a music lover (with 3 kids and a father with Altzheimer living in the same house) that once in my youth, had the bad idea to connect my favourite music with the good sound. In this present situation I prefer to get rid of my "drop-dead-gorgeous" Symphonic Line RG6 turntable, or my active Line monos, or even my second (octal-differential) Riia, but not the Pluto 9A/Colibri XXP . At least not before the rest mentioned components. I'm affraid I'm addicted to this pair ! (and I have a deep respect for Eddie Driessen). The sale price as always would be at 1/3rd the price of new. In the case of the RG6 ... at 1/4th (of 24000 euro). Because in my short life on Earth I choose to proceed straight ahead to my target & away from megalomania complex.
BTW once you mention Vdh, I recently change all of my cables for : MC Silver IT mkIII (prepre-Riia), Orchid (Riaa-PowerAmp), Inspiration (Speakers)

George, I agree with Curio and add my copmliments to his.
The strange thing however is that I started a similar thread some time ago about Pluto tonearms (see my threads).
Alas not a single reaction from the forum and only one from
Dertonarm in a privite e-mail.He mentioned the synergism with Van den Hul carts but also that this tonearm is not generaly known in particular in the USA. I am glad that
you proved Dertonarm to be wrong. Not a easy thing to achive versus this German. The TT's and tonearms hand made by Driessen have already a mythical status in the Netherlands but the Dutch have also some remarcable status in astronomy. There maybe some connections between the two
because the prices of Mr. Driessen are 'astronomical'.
One can put this the other way round: if you need to ask
for the price you are probable not suitable client for Mr.Driessen. You avoided this part of the story in your story like some kind of a English gentleman but the most of us are, I assume,not British and would love to hear
also about those 'earthly' subject without any harm done to astronomy.

Hello Guys,

The MintLP Best Tractor for the Reed 3Q has arrived and I already set my Benz LP with this magical glassy template.
Well , as I expected the sound is fantastic , the detail and inner detail improved so much compared to the supplied paper template the arm sounds as another arm.
The problem now is the way a 12" inches arm sounds .. so different from my 9" Michell Tecnoarm and other well known 9" as the Graham of my friend .. I'm now disoriented.
The 9" seem invadent and sound bumped into me .. forward .. while this 12" sound very refined and polite , sweet and totally not invadent .. it sounds relaxed and more laid back (backward).
You can increase the volume without any discomfort.
I noticed the mids are a bit recessed and the highs weighty .. concrete and never edgy.
So I'm a bit surprised about this way to sound .. this is the first 12" I try and I listen .. I wasn't prepared to it.
Without any question the way to sound of this (or every) 12" inch. arm is totally different compared to the sound I'm accustomed to listen.

This is why I'm here with the horryble doubt about to buy or not to buy this 12" inches Reed 3Q arm .. or to choose for a well known 9" inches like a Graham Phantom or a Triplanar .. I know how these arms sound.

What can I do? .. any suggestion?