Goldmund Reference Turntable ?

Anyone have any experience with or owns a Goldmund Reference Turntable Original version ? I will be picking one up next week and thats one table I have never played with. It has the T3 tonearm as well. Any tricks to setting it up etc. ?

Not sure what to pay for it anyone know the going price for one is as well ?

Well, I heard HP's set-up (back then serviced by Frank Doris ) first in early May 1988 when I visited Harry Pearson together with Carol Keasler in his home in Sea Cliff.
The Goldmund Reference was running and while certain aspects of the sonic result were impressive, the Goldmund - especially the T3F tonearm and the direct sonic relations depending (or better: rooted in ..) tonearm quality - failed then and in later set-ups with the T3F to move any small piece of earth below my feet.
Well lol sorry i just checked back from being busy and see all these nice posts, thank you all very much. Some really good info and suggestions. I have to tell you all I just picked up the table on consignment for a customer and will help him sell it. It needs some work and service so will start on that tomorrow, i can see its going to take some time lol. I have extensive turntable knowledge and experience have worked on most of the best tables out there but this one looks like a good challenge lol.

We'll see how it goes. Goldmund certainly doesnt seem to want to help which is very disappointing. I'll keep trying.

and yes I have the manuals and crates.

Again thank you all very much for all the nice posts

Still dont really know what the going rate for a used one is going for these days.
Hi Kevin, I wrote to Rolf Dorrmann to induce him to participate in this thread but he was very skeptical about any forums. However he is willig to answer any technical question reg.the TT and the tonearm. BTW they own all the
relevant technical papers from Goldmund.

Ahhh thank you so much Nandric that is very nice of you. I will start to go through the table and first see what it needs and start cleaning it up. I hate to sell as is as I know we can get more for it if its in good working and cosmetic condition.

Any way to open up the sound of the T3F, or give up on it? I found that late versions performed flawlessly mechanically, but the sound is very closed, hard and midrangy with a big overblown upper bass. No highs/upper mids really to speak off no matter how I tried...