Record surface noise Right Channel?

It seems like a good amount of records that I purchase I can hear record surface noise in the right channel. It seems pretty consistently the right channel. Has anyone experienced this? It seems like it does not matter what I do with azimuth adjustments. Is what I am hearing pressing errors or record wear from poorly aligned turntables. It happens mostly with used records.
I have the same problem (right channel) with some new 180 gr. reissue not with NOS records or used ones.
I think this might be your solution-
Anti-Skate adjustment:
Left distortion = DECREASE Anti-skate
Right distortion = INCREASE Anti-skate

Azimuth adjustment= minimize crosstalk
I had the same issue last month and it ended up being my Scoutmaster was not balanced correctly. I initially did as Srwooten suggests and checked the anti-skate. After confirming I was ok in that regard, I utilized a level adjusted the feet and was back in business.

It does not occur with every record, just some. I know my table is level, I could try the antiskate, I have not used it because I prefer the sound without the antiskate.
I see you have a Scout. If you have the anti skate device try it with no weight on it. What arm do you have?