Cartridge Loading

I just purchased a Benz Ace with .8mv output. The requirements are loading of > 200 ohms. I do not want to spend time trying to determine if 400 ohms sound better than 600 ohms If anyone has experience with the Benz and could give me a resistance that will work well I would appreciate it. Thanks Geroge
Listen and learn.
I decided to try going back down on the loading.I went back to 1k after going all the way up to 47k.
While listening to choral music;I started noticing that every time a word ended with "s" it had a strident snake like sound.So I went down to 10k then 1k.The snakes went away and the mids jumped right out!

Next stop 450k.

Just changed my whole setup. I just finished building a SUT MC tranformer(I plan on starting a string on DIY SUT). The setting that I am using comes to 200 ohm.
This transformer just took my analog rig to another level.
Much better dynamics,lower sound floor,more extended frequency response.Individual instruments and voices are much more coherent.
Micro and macro details like I have never had.
This is fun.
It feels like I have a whole new library of music to listen to.
Sorry for going a little off topic,but analog is so much fun.

George,I forgot to answer your question. Of course there is no simple answer but I will say that the Lukashek phono stage by Benz comes loaded at 1000ohm.So that might be a good place to start.

Hello George,

I have some experience with the Heed Quasar and a cloned XOno combined with a Benz ACE L and a Benz Glider L2 S. With both systems I ended up with 1k at the XOno and 470ohms at the Heed. I didn't like 20k or even 47k. Too much hiss in the highs.
I have been told by a friend with a Benz Lukashek phono stage that the stock loading is 22k.If so I stand corrected.