30 ft rca run too long for a phono to preamp?

Hi, I am having vibration/feedback issues with my current turntable location and would like to move it to the other end of the room. Is a 30ft connection from the phono (vp-130) to the preamp ( slp-98 ) too long?

Mike, is your suspension on the tt working properly or is it getting hung up? I seem to remember the 147 as a sprung mount suspension.
I am using a 15 foot IC between my phono and amp and I don't use a preamp at all. I have used a couple of phonos; Pass, Herron and a couple of home rolled tube units w/o a hint of a problem.
Hello again,

I thought I'd post an update. I replaced the repaired woofers in my speakers and now have the full bass again. I built the wall shelf, placed the table ( I got a vpi scout during this whole process ) on a slab of granite which is sitting on isoballs, moved a couch, spread out the speakers, and I have no problems with footfalls or feedback at any volume level. Life is good.
Thanks for all the help.
