Extending phono ground cable

What is the best way to extend a phono ground cable from a turntable to a preamp. I need about 10 feet of extra cable. Would speaker wire work?

Thank you.
Yes, I have done this with success. Just use any piece of wire you have lying around--it won't affect the sound. Extending the RCA's would be a different story. You probably don't want 10 feet of cable between your tonearm and phono pre.
You may want to consider grounding to the phono stage. I'm assuming that you have that unit close to your table since you're not asking about longer leads. You may also be able to ground to the nearest AC plug. The screw in the center that holds the plate on is most likely grounded through the plus.
I have a built in cabinet system im my home. For the last few years i have been running it without a turntable. I am now adding a turntable to the mix :)

On the right side of my TV is an encolosure holding my equipment, amp, preamp, CD player and tuner. I was hoping to put the turntable on the left side enclosure and running wires from the TT to the preamp, around the TV, with cables running 10 feet or more. Is this practicle?

Thank you for any information.