Turntable advise for an analog novice

I've just started listening to vinyl again and I need some turntable advise. A few years ago, I purchased a Goldring GR1 with an RB250 arm which I paid around $250 for with an Goldring Electra cartridge. I'm really interested in upgrading but I'm not sure if it makes more sense to invest my money in a better cartridge and upgrade the tonearm wiring on my GR1 or buy a good used TT. My budget is about $1200 give or take.

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Andarilu - One last thought....

Having reasearched some of the RB250 upgrades that are available (e.g. rewire + Techno weight may cost around $600 on your existing RB250), I would opt for something like the Michell re-engineered RB250 which comes with...
- Silver wire + better interconnect & plugs
- Upgraded bearings
- vibration deadening foam
- Techno weight
- VTA Adjuster

If you order from the UK you can get it for around $700+duty

I ordered my Michell Techno-weight from Trichord Research - who were very responsive, but it took around 2 weeks to clear Canadian customs


Since my last posting, I decided to upgrade my cartidge as a first step. Whether I upgrade my table or not, I figured I'll need a new cartridge anyway. I borrowed an old Signet just to see if it really makes a difference. I was blown away by how much more detail I was able to hear. The bass seemed a little lacking but the overall improvement was significant.

I read some of the cartridge reviews and decided to go with Sumiko BP 2. I just ordered it from MusicDirect for $299 and I should be getting it in a few days.

I'm still on the fence about upgrading the tonearm but I did find a tecnoweight/incognito upgrade combo for $335 at http://www.gcaudio.com/cgi-bin/store/showProduct.cgi?id=302.Adding VTA would be another $50. So even if I don't upgrade the table itself right now, I'll have a decent tonearm and cartridge I can reuse on my next table (whenever that might be).

Anyway, I'll let you know how the Sumiko works out.
Andarilu - if you are content with the GR1/RB250, then at least upgrade the Crappy Rega RCA's to Furutech - it really is worth it!

I get the Furutech FP126 for $20/pair - and now use them on all my cables - superb details for such a very reasonably priced connector.

The FP162 was only $10/pair - also better than the Rega

Just make sure you use good quality solder - this makes a huge difference at the Phono Stage

Furutechs will give you much more detail and better imaging than what you are getting with the standard Rega RCA's.

The Michell/Incognito upgrade you wrote about is a deal - except - it's a kit which means you'd have to install the wire yourself - not something I'd try - I no longer have a steady hand or good eyesight.

The Sumiko looks like a very good cartridge - I'm currently a MM guy myself, but looking to get into the MC market since I hear they provide lots more detail.

Let me know how it works out

Williewonka - The nice thing about the Incognito wiring kit is its a continuous run from the cartridge tags to the phono plugs which will take care of the "crappy Rega RCAs". No soldering required.
