Opinions please

Which is your preferred Record cleaning machine?
I am considering the SOTA, VPI 16.5, and the Clearaudio Smart Matrix. I would love a Loricraft but the price is prohibitive.I am also interested in cleaning fluids being used. I live in the high desert and static is a major issue.
Lewn; regarding your last comment; I vacuum mine by hand. I have a 1.5hp ShopVac with a small attachment that I wrap with a white t-shirt. I also use RRL products along with Vinylzyme. I also steam clean with distilled H20. Believe me, my records CANNOT be any cleaner when I'm done. They sound spotless.
Point about using a shop vac taken. But a good shop vac is not cost-free, either. I guess you can justify purchasing it for its many other uses. Really, an RCM just makes cleaning simpler and easier, due to the rotating platter which makes it easier to distribute and scrub in cleaning solutions and to the built-in vac, which I cannot help but think is a whole lot easier to use than a hand-held shop vac. But there is no right or wrong in this discussion.
Lewn; you are absolutely 100% correct! A RCM will make life really easy for you. I spend literally hours cleaning records. However, I have more time than money right now. Also, I enjoy it. I have a little station set up in the basement. Every Friday (I buy lots of used records) I spend 1-2 hours with a few beers, maybe catch a game and take my time cleaning. It's a little stress relief and an escape. Then, upstairs to some listening on nice quiet, clean vinyl. I love it!!
Thank you for your responses. I find them informative and valuable in reaching my decision.It seems as if the VPI provides the best job for the money and time invested in cleaning vinyl.
Thanks again,