Grado Reference vs Benz Glider and H2

I'm looking to replace my beloved Grado Reference and thought a Benz Glider or H2 might be a nice change.

I love the lush, rich midrange and vocals the Grado gives but am curious about other cartridges.

How does the Glider and higher priced h2 compare to the Grado Reference. Keeping in mind that I'm spoiled by the fabulous cartidge I already have. Will I be taking a step back or fowards by buying a Benz?

I'm not willing to sacrifice anything that the Grado gives me when I can just go buy another one. I use an EAR834P with a Rega arm on a suspended table with metal platter like the Linn.

Finally I am led to believe that the Grado is not compliant with the Rega arm which is evident from all the subsonics I get. Is the Benz a better match?
Good point Doublebass your thoughts are similar to my own. Seeing how I don't have 4k for a cartridge perhaps I could get more out of the Grado Reference with a different tonearm.

I do believe the RB300 is not an ideal match for it and could be the cause of all the subsonics I'm getting.

Any ideas anyone on ideal tonearms for this awesome cartridge?
I just did a quick calculation to measure tonearm/cartridge matching with the Rega arm and Grado Reference and got a number of 8.38Hz.

Keeping in mind I use a heavier drop counterweight and therefore effective mass is added upon I believe I'm below the suggested minimum of 8Hz.

I'm wondering if a lighter tonearm would make my Grado perfom better. Which arm would you use?

Any thoughts?
The formulas are just mathematical models. A good guide but IMO the best way is to use the HFN test record to find out what the resonant frequency actually is. There are always exceptions and assumptions with models and the fact that you're using an aftermarket weight may or may not be effecting resonance like you expect. Even if you are actually within 1/3 hertz as the calculations suggest I can't imaging that in itself is enough to say this is a poor combination. If you don't hear any mistracking then I wouldn't be concerned.
I am using the Morch UP-4 Arm with my Grado REF.and used the Cardas test record and was shaking really bad at the 10 Hz signal,But not at the 8 hz or above the 10Hz .I am using the red dot version for the arm,But have not encountered any problems except when I have a somewhat warped LP things can get very bothersome,extreme concave
and things get very bad indeed.Luckly most my LP's used or new are flat and in nice condition.
Hi Doublebass;

I get subsonics on every record with the Rega arm. Apparently the Grados excel with low mass arms how do you like your Grado Ref/Moerch combination?

I've also been looking at the Haddock but don't know if its suited for a suspended deck.