Zyx R1000 Airy3 vs Universe

Has anyone heard a head-to-head comparison? What are the differences?
Hi sirspeedy,
My name is spelled Schröder, but I won't hold it against you if you use a spelling that, when read, sounds close to how my name is pronounced in german... ;-)


Herr Schroeder unfortunately most of us don't know how to get an umlaut on our keyboard.
Nate, try ALT+0246 from you numeric keypad. ö <- I get that when I hold down the ALT key then type 0246 from my numeric keypad (one must use the numeric keypad, the top row of numbers will not work under most instances). This isn't O/S nor driver specific. It works the same on my new Penium-M machine as it did on my 386 for French class. Do a google search for an ASCII table, and you'll find the rest of the "funny" characters. éêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øù . No special keyboard is needed (although it would make it easier). Macintosh and Unix workstations might be a little different. I don't know. But this will work from an IBM compatible. Windows also has a fun program called charmap.exe that you could play with.

I hope that helps.

Here's one link:


Just Google on the following phrase:

"typing umlaut us keyboard"

Thom @ Galibier