The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Original Quad electrostatics and Avantgarde Duos.

The Quads are the most natural, immediate and alive sounding speakers I have heard. It also is a relatively practical speaker in cost and size. It makes most other speakers sound like, well, speakers. In other words, other speakers seem to make it more obvious that sound is being REproduced through an electromechanical device.

The Avantgardes come a close second but have the advantages of playing louder, deeper and probably higher. They also sounded really big, maybe too big. I've only heard them at a dealer, however.

Other speakers I've heard in demos include Infinity IRS, various Apogee ribbons, various Martin Logans, and the original Sound Labs.

Incidentally, to Armyscout41, the question was "What is the best speaker YOU have heard," which anybody should be able to answer, not "What is the best sounding speaker," which in theory would likely require someone to have heard everything.
Evita, I agree. Its all subjective. My response would certainly have changed a few times =)
In the 70's Snell typeA;80's Infinity IRS & Linn DMS;90's Watt Puppies fed by Wadia in Chicago Show; Now ???
Wilson Audio Specialties Watt Puppy's version 6, these speakers were paired with Audio Research Tube amplification and I think the transport was a krell cd player, but what I heard from a familiar recording blew me away!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have heard a LOT!! To name a few, Dunlavy, Martin Logan,Paradigm, Meadowlark, Sonus Faber, B&W, Kef,Klipsch,jbl,Energy,M&K,Krix,Jamo,Infinity, Sorry If I mentioned some of you guy's equipment but everyone "hears" differently!!!! I'm a young audiophile 33 to be exact, but I think I've heard my fair share of speakers to give a subjective comment on what I think is one of the best if not the Very best.