Modwright sony xa 5400cd

I have the player with over 400 hours of play. I love the sound but I feel the pace and rhythm is a little slow. Does anyone else find this to be the case.
Oh, I'm sorry for that. This little tiff in the thread here between two guys who know each other well is just one of the funniest things I have ever seen here. I can't stop laughing.
Rfogel8, "We ordered a pair of Sonys from a dealer recommended on AudioCircle and had them shipped direct to Modwright."

Bob, long time, hope all is well.

Being a scientist/engineer, I would have loved to hear your impressions had you gone the route of buying the Sony, giving it a lengthy audition, then shipping it off to Modwright, and detailing the before and after. Of course, you did say, "the Sony is a balanced player and Dan's mod keeps it that way." So, perhaps you do have more than a passing level of experience with the stock player?
Jwm, with friends like Rfogel8, you don't need any enemies. Rfogel8 sounds like a know it all and PITA!
I had stock player burned in for a couple hundred hours. I really wanted to love it but it was just too "slow." While it was easy to listen to, I found it did not even sound better than my 2004 Dodson 218, and certainly not even close to W4S DAC2 I use now. That said, I sold it to a gentleman in CA who listens to many SACD's, and he thinks it is the cat's meow, so there you are.

Don't know what Modwright does to it.
