Looking for the best CD 3-4k

I need a new cd player current used EMC1, but the thing start to having problem. Been searching there are Cary 306 Pro, Audio research CD7, Levinson 390S, any more recommendation.
Resolution Audio Opus 21 is a popular and well reviewed player in that price range.
Surprise yourself, purchase a $60 refurb Sony 595 from Sony Style and see if 3-4K is needed. This is a fearsome test of your ears, and how open minded you can be. Go where no audiophile dares to go, cheap.
>>08-15-09: Anhkhoa70
How about GamuT CD3? Guaranty will out perform all CD player you mention<<

It is unprofessional and unethical for the importer of this line to make such a recommendation without disclosing his financial interest.

And to guarantee it will outperform all others no less.

Shame on you.