CD transport vs streamer?

I am presently using a squeezebox unmodded and streaming via ethernet (not wi fi) uncompressed files from a Mac. I am feeding this into my Weiss Medea DAC (tried both Toslink and coaxial). However, comparing it to using my Jason transport, the sound is significantly worse. eg in Jazz at the Pawnshop, I can hear the liveness of the recording, on the streamed music it sounds like it was recorded in an anechoic chamber. Same when i stream from my apple TV via toslink.

Has anyone found a way of streaming that actually can outdo a high end CD player?
Your very welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

You wont be sorry if you use it as a Transport, and as you know it also plays great Internet Music and it will work with your Duet Remote.

If your Dac has an AES/EBU input, then I would recommend you use it, and I would recommend upgrading the Transporters power cable, other than that you'll be good to go. Feel free to drop me an e-mail if you have any further questions.

Happy 4th of July,
Why is it that most people prefer to use a Mac over a PC when making a music server?? I would like to purchase a PC notebook and make it into a music server, BUT everyone seems to be using a mac instead. Why???

Thanks Rich,
Yes I do have an AES EBU input on my Theta Gen VIII V2 dac and that's what I would use.
It is good to hear real world experience on the differences between the TP and the DUET into an external dac.
Happy 4th!
"Why is it that most people prefer to use a Mac over a PC when making a music server?? I would like to purchase a PC notebook and make it into a music server, BUT everyone seems to be using a mac instead. Why???"

They don't know about J. River? MAC or PC, you can get great sound; I can't settle for iTunes especially when compared to what's possible with J. River.

I potential buyer of a Toslink cable I had a while back claimed that the standard Mac actually downsampled to 44/48kHz out of the digital out. I think the MacBook Pro does not downsample. Sort of like Apple's version of K-mixer ???