Wadia 170iTransport - To mod, or not to mod?

It's been about a year now with my iTransport so I thought it was time to research mods and get opinions, recommendations.

I became interested after recently seeing the CIAudio VDC 9.0 power supply. Would this make a difference though since I plug mine into a Walker VelocitorS already? It's almost the price of the iTransport too. Plus it would require another power cord.

I'm sure there's various internal parts that would benefit, but the only other mod I had considered was upgrading the SPDIF RCA jack to a WBT NextGen Ag. I wonder if Wadia has made any changes since mine?
Nrostov go to computeraudiophile.com type in teardown wadia i transport and click search. Chris of computeraudiophile does a complete review of the wadia i170 and takes it apart to see whats in it. You can also read the posted commets by empirical audio about the pcm270x chip found in the wadia and J. gordan Rankin of wavelength audio said " the ipod is a great product but it's a mobile personal player. Use as a high end transport is a waste of time" It seems to me that many of these guys who design digital gear say that putting in any sort of clock into the itransport is a wast of money, your better of on getting an outboard clock. I hope that your asi mod is as good as they say however i think is a big rip off.
I posted this tear-down thread from computeraudiophile.com that Usarmyvet91 is referring to in the other 'msb ilink vs. Wadia 170 ipd dock' thread. I'll post it again here for the benefit others:

Bombaywalla thx for the info. computeraudiophile is a good site for the latest in computer audio info.

I have had nothing but good experiences with Doug at ASi. In what way is he a poor businessman?