My New Year’s Wish for my fellow audiophiles.

May your 2024 be blessed and filled with joy and good health for you and your family. For all of you who work too hard, too many hours, please take more time this year listening to your music, your sound system. For those who listen to your system all the time and are borderline obsessed, my hope is that you can find other things to do. Go hiking, go out with your partner for dinner, find other hobbies and interests outside of the audio world. Put the audio fool in you- away for a time, enjoy the other seasons of life. Find the balance and come back to your audio anew and with fresh perspective.

Just a thought and Happy New Year.

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When you said to "find the balance," I immediately remembered that I hadn't yet tried the XLR out on my DAC to my new pre. 

Thank you for this timely nudge!!! 😜

all the best to everyone.

I;m going to try and remember to make happiness all year, much is up to us.

Can't think of a better way to start the New Year.

Discussions, inquiries, thoughts, expressions and, yes, frustrations on this forum fall into my "Good Problems to Have" categories. Grateful for the opportunity to have the best music the world has ever known in MY home with some degree of realism.

And, to have my daily searcxh for intelligent life on this planet fulfilled by reading your comments.

Happy New Year to all. May those electro-mechanical acoustic transducers deliver good vibrations throughout the year.

Yah buddy!  Great post and love the positivity!

Hope everyone has a wonderful New Year and keep loving their music!  You guys and gals rock!


