Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

@tom thiel, I expected as much; the 1.5 figure had marketing speak stamped all over it. Well I suppose it's an improvement from the old "Flame Linear" days, but can they just make an amp that delivers the goods, without cutting out in self preservation? Imagine if your automobile engine worked like that 

 Reccomendations would include old recently recapped/refreshed stand by's like some of the Krells, Levinsons, Thresholds, etc.. Amps that Jim used himself when he was developing these speakers. 

Standard cable lengths tend to be between 8'-10'. Most users use the shortest lengths that they can. Most can not go much shorter and still allow for domestice accomodations. Cable length can affect amplifier performance, but at these lengths with typical cables, not by that much, Not likely to add lots of Watts to the output at lower impedances

I too appreciate old amps, Just as some old houses have better "bones" than some newer construction. And, many if not most could use a refresh of new caps, etc.. That they can weight quite a bit, shipping can be expensive if not perilous. I think it most economical to try and find one that has varifiable maintance recently completed.

I agree with your assemsment of the Adcoms. Perhaps the least expensive amps that could actully properly drive some Thiels. I will say that I did have one for long term loan once. Though I had thought due to it's grooved face plate sans rack mounts, that it was a Mark II, I now realize that the time frame preceded the Mark II. I had much easier to drive CS 2's at the time, I have to admit that I found it flat, grainy and lacking dimensionality. I also found myslef just not listening to my system as much with that Adcom in the my system, Still for the money, for someone looking for something to tide them over until the could aquire something better, it could be the least expensive option worth considering. Here's another outfit that has had a good long standing reputation for Adcom mods:

Adcom (

I share your wishes. I humbly think Jim went in the wrong direction with regard to impedance. Interesingly the previous generations were especailly easy in that regard. I think amp manufacturers don't want to make capable amps due to the costs of beefier power supplies, additional costly heat sinks. While Class D has made many strides, load variance has been a bit of a bugaboo for them. Until very recently. There's been promise of a high power low impedance option from Purifi, but these things always seem to take much longer than projected to actually make it o market.

I have a pair of 1.5s and 3.6s, I used to run these with 

2xYamaha M80s bridged. I am not a loud listener but

It was apparent that 1 x M80 didn't cut it. I wanted to

get 2 x AHB2 amps but it was beyond my reach so

I chose 2 x Purifi 1ET7040SA Buckeye Amps instead

And I'm very happy with it so far. 


A lot of amps do not have published specs in the 2 Ohm region but that does not mean that it can operate there. My Benchmark AHB2 x 2 on the Thiel worked well but it did not make the low end shine.

My new speakers are easier to drive and I will like to get an AHB2 again because I miss that sound. I do like my current amp, the CODA #16 which would be great on the Thiel's.

I have a Magnepan LRS+ in my office ($999). It is a killer speaker but very had to drive like my old Thiel CS3.7. No way I would even try the AHB2 on it. It took me a while to find an amp to drive them. I now use the Sanders MagTech amp which is 500 and 900 at 8 and 4. It does not have published specs at 2 but given the explosive way it drives the LRS+. I am sure it is good at 2 Ohms. I was thinking this amp would be great with the Thiel CS3.7. 

I bought a used MagTech from the Sanders web site for $4k. Thiel users should consider it.


yyz - my only caution regards ''I am sure it is good at 2 Ohms'.

Consider that it already doesn't double its power from 8 to 4 ohms, so it is current limited by definition. I suggest contacting Sanders to find out how it behaves into 2 ohms.





Thiel 1.5

Right speaker(without polarity markings)

100 hz ---------- 4.100

120 ‐-‐------------3.6565

400 ‐--------------3.6626

1khz -------------4.169

4khz -------------4.210

10khz -----------4.445

Left speaker (with polarity markings)

100 hz ---------- 3.9187

120 ‐-‐------------ 3.6039

400 ‐-------------- 3.6251

1khz ------------- 4.120

4khz ------------- 4.224

10khz ----------- 4.449



Thiel 3.6

Left speaker(after replacing a resistor and resolder)

100 hz ---------- 3.0218

120 ‐-‐------------ 2.7144

400 ‐-------------- 2.6676

1khz ------------- 2.9541

4khz ------------- 2.4293

10khz ----------- 3.1372


Right speaker

100 hz ---------- 2.8188

120 ‐-‐------------ 2.738

400 ‐-------------- 2.6377

1khz ------------- 2.9

4khz ------------- 2.3977

10khz ----------- 3.11


Instead of speculating how hard they can be to

Drive. Here it is, some impedance measurements.

While not benign, I don't think it should be hard for 

A competent amplifier with large energy reserves.