NAD M-33 or Hegel H190

I love the convenience of my NAD M-33; it is the Swiss Army Knife of integrated amps. But ignoring the convenience for a moment, I feel I'm missing something in the music. Sound stage and imaging to be exact. The NAD is technically amazing, but the music somehow sounds "grey". I'm told the Hegel H190 will provide what I'm looking for but there is no way for me to preview the Hegel at this time. Should I trade my NAD M-33 for the Hegel? The complication in trading means I must buy a streamer for Tidal and the I/O on the Hegel is very minimal when compared to the NAD. For instance, I have two sets of speakers and the Hegel has only one set of speaker connections which means I must find some way to split the signal... Any thoughts on these issues would be appreciated. 


I have only seen the M33 compared to the Hegel H390.

Based on price, that seems more logical.

13th note audio reviews did such a comparison, if I remember correctly.

Also those guys in Canada -- Audio Excellence?

Look for both on YouTube.

I can’t advise you re: the wisdom of using one amp for 2 speaker pairs.

Maybe others can



I am always hesitant to trade on product for one of similar price. Typically you end up trading one set of strengths and weaknesses for another. At a minimum I would suggest the H390. You are probably correct that the warmer sound of the NAD will be less so and have more detail and imaging with an equivalent Hegel.

It would be a good idea to do some driving, and see if you can listen to one.


As @stuartk pointed out… two sets of speakers is a questionable configuration. This feature is not found on high quality integrated amps. If really great sound is required, typically it will be to one dedicated location. There are switch boxes… although they tend to have a sonic cost.

I honestly don’t think the amp will give you the imaging and sound stage, The speakers will do that. (I believe)
You have other threads about other amp questions so you seem to want a different amp for sure.
The Hegels for what they do are overpriced. Maybe they are superb, and bring out sounds and details you haven’t heard - with expensive cables and speakers, I would love to have one but they are definitely a step up from the NAD.

You can order a Hegel online for 30-60 day trials easily paying for a measly $20 shipping.

If you are to stick with your speakers, my feeling is that the raw power and hardware inside your NAD doesn’t work with your speakers well. It’s not the most musical sound. I would look for synergy, read a lot of reviews. Your budget affords you great choices.