Equalizer in a Hi Fi system

Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

“As for your assessment of Skyline vs. PEQ1... I very much agree about the superior flexibility of the PEQ1's design... I just wish my unit had sounded better”

based on your earlier description of your PEQ-1 experience, I am fairly sure you got a bad unit, @mirolab 

“Do your 'custom' cables have the ground connected from end to end?”

Cardas did 4 of them for 1000 dollars. I sure hope they grounded them properly. They are completely sonically transparent. I now know this because when I had the Skyline in the Bryston tape loop on ‘bypass,’ which you’ve stated is a true hardwire bypass, I could not hear any difference at all A-B ing with tape loop in and out. They are great cables

The RME ADI-2 has full DSP processing with Bass, Treble, Loudness, 5 Band Parametric EQ, and Crossfeed.  Has anyone found this to be a good solution for improving their SQ?  It comes with both a remote and an app to allow control all of its functions with remote software.

I know many have tried this. I myself have not. Generally hear mixed to favorable through the grapevine. Not having heard the MQ112 either, I’d bet good money the MQ112 sounds alot more musical and natural than the RME EQ suite

Traditional analog equalization is somewhat dated and very limited 20th century technology. 😉


But, I will be attempting Room correction using Roon DSP shortly. Will be using Room EQ Wizard software to create convolution filters for several rooms. Currently use similar 3-rd party filters with Roon and headphones and the results are a big leap forward that would be costly otherwise.

Digital convolution filters can be thought off as traditional analog equalization on steroids. Roon Room Correction

Hate to disagree. I’ve commented extensively on this pages ago. My Charter Oak PEQ1 I’ve directly compared against Roon DSP using some digital shelf or bells in bass and treble regions. It DIDNT COME CLOSE to the SQ of the 2700 dollar analog piece. I have done this already previously in the thread. Am not going to repeat again here. Notch filtering and room correction digital better. Tone shaping analog better. I intend to try @mijostyn DEQX though, to be sure. That’s a summary. There are PAGES of debate previously