Equalizer in a Hi Fi system

Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman


The BACCH-SP is a computer program which cancels "crosstalk" by DSP. It is either Apple or Windows specific. It is not a preamp and does not have EQ capability. It is said to make the image more holographic. It also measures the system with microphones. The DEQX Pre 4 and Pre 8 are full function preamps with Speaker management, bass management, Room Control and EQ capability. I have not heard the BACCH-SP so I can not comment.

There is no magic with DSP. The computer has high resolution control over amplitude (volume at specific frequencies) phase and time, the time it takes for the signal to reach your ear. It controls nothing else that I am aware off although it can be used to add effects such as echo. I'll leave the effects to the artist. 

Analog is the enemy of signal purity. Again, most music is recorded digitally. Keeping it there until the final conversion to analog at the listeners DAC is the only best way to deal with it. A number can not be distorted. It can only be changed. 

Actually, the dealer at Theoretica said the BACCH SP WILL have room correction EQ capability come 2024 as well. 

“Analog is the enemy of signal purity. Again, most music is recorded digitally. Keeping it there until the final conversion to analog at the listeners DAC is the only best way to deal with it. A number can not be distorted. It can only be changed. ”

Again, best analog solutions are NOT any such enemy. Only help to restore rolled off textures and harmonics. Mike, please stop bashing analog EQ when you haven’t tried it in years. It’s come along as well as digital. Look at McIntosh with its new MQ112. Cmon…please stop.

To me it’s hard to imagine that complex algorithms imposed upon an already digitized analog hearing world is PERFECT and immune to human psycho acoustic problems in perception. But I’m open minded and will listen to both DEQX and BACCH. @tattooedtrackman , I guess you, I , Miro, and McIntosh are all audiophool idiots. 


Analog is the enemy of signal purity. Again, most music is recorded digitally. Keeping it there until the final conversion to analog at the listeners DAC is the only best way to deal with it. A number can not be distorted. It can only be changed.


Digital Signal purity is not the ultimate goal in acoustics...

Signal purity is an abstraction...Not the acoustic territory ... The ears brain is not a mere digital computer ...

The analog measures Choueiri takes are not secondary , they are the core of the thing for using his filters for specific ears/brain ...

About analog, and the superiority of analog computing in the next decade read that( i underline my point ) :


«Deep learning computers are revolutionizing human
civilization optimizing user-conceived solution paths
accurately, figuring out the shortest path by extensive training
to reach the expected solution [1]. Hallmarks are switches and
circuits. Demands are increasing speed and resources by
compromising nature with enormous toxic waste. The next
would bring computers that synthesize new deep
networks, invent learning protocols in a single shot or without
training. Hallmarks would be new data structure, software
free, circuit free, fully analog, reusable hardware adaptive to
changing environment [2]. Demands would be fixing the
computing speed and resources irrespective of complexity
while compromising the user’s control. Realizing all, we
present organic nested deep learning network, ON2.»

This Indian genius is the first to prove the quantum properties conservation and transmission in microtubules.. He work in japan laboratory and is the main co worker with Hameroff the microtubules specialist and co-worker with Penrose Nobel physics prize and the creator of the ORCH model of consciousness ,,

He wrote a book astonishing one in 2020 , one of the deepest and more revolutionary i ever read..."nanobrain" ...

Then it is not amateurish speculation ... Go see his site and youtube channels and twitter ... Geniuses are not a crowd ...