Equalizer in a Hi Fi system

Just curious to hear everyone’s opinions on using an equalizer in a high end hi fi system. Was at work tonight and killing time and came across a Schitt Loki max $1500 Equalizer with some very good reviews. What are some of the pros / Benefits and cons in using one. Just curious. BTW. I’m talking about a top of the line. Hi end equalizer. Mostly to calm some high frequencies and some bad recordings. 

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@scottwheel was commenting specifically on DIGITAL EQ. your MQ112 (for those catching up) is ANALOG

I am seeing a fair amount of discussion on the BACCH SP in this thread. I will chime in with my opinion on it. I think it is arguably the biggest breakthrough in spatial audio playback since the invention of stereo. But the BACCH works best when room interaction with the speakers and listener are minimized. The goal of the BACCH system is to extract the spatial cues on the recording as completely and accurately as possible. To do this the spatial cues of the listening room need to reduced as much as possible for optimal effect. While I am in favor of EQ as the final application of frequency response corrections as much correction as possible should come from the speaker design and room acoustics. EQ is best used for room target curves and flavoring for personal preferences. 

“ @scottwheel , what digital system do you use? “


I use a few DSP plugins that are modeled after old classic analog equalizers for flavor and I use the internal EQ on my BACCH SP for correction

An alternative to having an equaliser in the system is to take the recording into a DAW and remaster it oneself.

@yoyoyaya Yes, I do this on occasion, but it's more of an offline project, rather than simple pleasure listening.  One group that I really love is Jamiroquai.  They've produced 8 CDs from 1993 to 2017.  But... they have a "sound" that is very rolled off in the highs.  As much as I love their music, I don't love the dark sound.  I imported all the CDs into my DAW, and it was very interesting to notice the increasing loudness as the years went by. The latest two CDs are sadly over-compressed.

So THEN....  I "remastered" my Jamiroquai catalog to a sound that is to my liking, and I goosed the loudness of the early records, just a bit, without sacrifice.  For this I used digital plugins, of which I have many.  Most likely I used Eiosis AirEQ, and the Sonnox Limiter for increased loudness.  The newest album from 2017 is already too loud and bright, and is beyond any repair!!  I love the music though.  

It makes me sick to my stomach that we've been given this gift of tremendous resolution and dynamic range in CDs and HiRes audio, and yet the music is being distorted and compressed into 6 or 7 dB of dynamic range.  But that's a topic for a whole-nuther thread!