If I rip all my CD's to flac files do I still need a CD transport?

I'm in the process of ripping all my CDs to .flac files with Exact Audio Copy. If I see a verified rip with no errors, is there any point in considering upgrading my CD player? Would I be better investing is a quality streamer and DAC?


10,000 cd albums takes the 4 walls of an average room...

Would you add 10,000 more or rip them all ? My house is a smaller one now...

I ripped them all...

I invested more money in music than in the gear anyway ...šŸ˜Š

I prefer my actual very good low cost system, which is audiophile one believe me, šŸ˜Š to a higher costlier one with ten times less music...

I own 100 Chet Baker albums...

I kept 15 versions of Bach art of the fugue... 5 versions of his complete keyboard...

I own rare Indian and Persian music....Streaming this is not possible...

I prefer files format of cd or vinyl....

Many music albums are not even on the market anymore....

I am a music lover first and lastĀ  not only an audiophile....

Long ago, when storage was expensive, I ripped everything to AAC to save space. Iā€™m now selectively ripping some CDs to FLAC. But only some.

Probably 85%+ of my CD collection is now available as a high-quality stream on Qobuz. For those, I donā€™t feel the need to rip them. Only albums that I canā€™t get on one of the major streaming services wind up on my NAS in FLAC format.

The added benefit of this is, using Roon, Iā€™m much more likely to explore related music based on the metadata, leading me to explore more, as well as learn more about those artists I like.

I ripped my entire CD collection (4000+) to uncompressed FLAC using dBpoweramp. Took me 3 years to do it. I still have my CDs and I have upgraded my transport to a Jay's Audio CD3 MK3. Why?

1. I wanted to be able to make play lists and have my recorded music available for streaming over my home network.
2. I still like to listen to the physical CD and read the booklet. I like the ritual of pawing through my CD collection and finding something that I hadn't heard in a while. I also have a pretty extensive LP collection that I feel the same way about.
3. I'm bumping 70 and some day I may live in a situation where I can't have thousands of CDs and records. A bunch of these titles are not available on Qobuz.
4. I collect audiophile versions of my favorite CDs and I have multiple versions of quite a few titles. I like playing these physical CDs. It makes me happy.

If you don't value the task of searching for and playing a physical CD I'm not sure why you would keep a CD player. I readily admit I'm a dinosaur and my kids are going to have to dispose of a lot of probably worthless CDs when I go to the great listening room in the sky.

I have also ripped over one thousand CDs. I have not gotten rid of any of the CDs, I just never play them anymore. They line my walls and help with acoustic dispersion. Also still serve as backups in case ever needed (footnote: be sure to always keep a backup copy of ripped CDs somewhere...ripping is time consuming and once is enough).

As time goes on, there will likely be fewer CDs that I feel I have to still own as opposed to just streaming on qobuz or similar.

I also still have a growing record collection.Ā  I ultrasound clean those and play once to convert to digital and add to my flac format music library.Ā  Ā Ā 

if/when in a few years time comes to downsize my home,Ā  I will have to make decisions about what to do with all the stuff I've acculumated over the years.Ā  Ā Lucky to have that problem!


If asked my answer would be ā€œYes- you should always have a transport/player as a fallbackā€. I donā€™t know how many discs I own but a large majority of them (what I listen to most often) are ripped as .WAV files onto a playback server. When I buy a new CD it gets ripped and then stored away (99% of the time). The other 1% of the time is when I use a transport to listen to the music prior to deciding which discs to rip. An example being when you purchase a large box set. Two weeks ago I purchased two sets which combined contained close to 90 discs. This is a case where I want to listen to each disc first prior to deciding which to rip.

I stream a lot of music as well- helps me decide what to purchase on disc beforehand. But if internet service goes down a streamer is worthless. The server will still work via Wi-Fi but if it has an issue I can always play the disc. CDā€™s are cheap and compared to what you make selling them their not really worth getting rid of (unless space/clutter is the issue).Ā 
Keep your player and your discs!