Speaker and Cable Suggestions Please

Greetings, some time ago (maybe over a year ago) I asked for some advice as to what tube integrated amp to buy. It was to be my first tube amp and I needed a lot of help. After a long search and much study, I decided on an ARC VSi75. Now I need your help again. I currently have a pair of Focal Aria 926. My listening room is small, 15'7" x 11'7" (4.75m x 3.5m).

I'm looking for a speaker for a near-field situation that extends into the upper mids and high frequencies. Since my amp puts out 75 watts of output, I need something with decent sensitivity, say at least 91db. I also need new speaker cables. I'm using circa 1980s Monster Cable now.

One more consideration, I have lost some hearing due to a neurological autoimmune condition. Yet, when I auditioned Paradigm Persona Bs recently through an ARC, I could here all the sound that I remember hearing when I was a teenager. The point being, I know that upper range I'm chasing is possible I just don't know if it's achievable on my budget. I have about $4,000 to spend on speakers and cables. I was thinking about DH Lab Q-10 for cables and the rest for speakers. What do you guys think? I don't mind buying used. Thank you.



I remember early on I was inclined to get expensive speaker cables immediately, I think to throw everything at the speaker purchase to make sure I could hear a difference that would justify the financial outlay I made for the speakers. I would not be surprised if that isn’t common. Lots of time there is a lot of anxiety on these large purchases.


Over time, the anxiety disappeared with experience and confidence in my judgement increased and I started making more logical decisions and worked in stages to upgrade my system. 

+1 ghdprentice.

FWIW, I’m always saddened to see folks ’waste’ money by buying wires out of angst more than a need for which they have developed the skills to appreciate. I think a lot of folks think that more $ chased after wires assures good performance when, in fact, better sound could often be obtained by using the money to buy better stuff in the first place, and then, over time as their listening skills develop they can investigate wires and learn how they can impact their system. That thought is what caused me to mention the Blue Jeans (Belden) and Mogami cables. They are very different and if you can’t really hear it then you’re premature in buying expensive cables. If you can, then you can look for ’better’, not necessarily more expensive, cable which has similar sonic potential. Some folks might never actually need to buy expensive cables for many reasons but finding good cables is much easier if you have enuf basic knowledge to start your search.

+1 for calling Fritz.  I have the Rev7 SE and I can’t say enough good things about them.  My room is a bit smaller than yours and the Fritzs sound amazing to my ears.  All his speakers have a smooth impedance curve, no wild swings or deep dips. Mine don’t go below 6 ohms so even though they are 87db sensitive they are easy to drive.  I have a 200wpc MA8900 that rarely gets anywhere near the 1 watt to drive them to 80db+ which is plenty loud for me (and my neighbors too I’m sure 😁).  Having done a decent amount of listening at local audio retailers, imho, it would take spending at least 2-3x to better what these speakers offer.  That will probably happen some day but today I’m very happy with the Fritzs.

I forgot to mention I realize you are using a tube amp but your 75w is plenty of juice.


Like most everyone, I started out by cutting the ends off of extension cords.  When I bought better equipment, I bought some 12 gauge, stranded wire that each strand was silver coated.  Then I bought better equipment, I bought some AudioQuest cables.  Don’t tell my wife, but I’m getting the itch to get better amplification and probably better speaker cables. 😁

George,  If I go back to tubes, how many tube watts would you suggest I need for 90dbs speakers?