Why Don't More People Love Audio?

Can anyone explain why high end audio seems to be forever stuck as a cottage industry? Why do my rich friends who absolutely have to have the BEST of everything and wouldn't be caught dead without expensive clothes, watch, car, home, furniture etc. settle for cheap mass produced components stuck away in a closet somewhere? I can hardly afford to go out to dinner, but I wouldn't dream of spending any less on audio or music.
Charker, where have you been all these years? I get pounced on, trampled, kicked, bashed, etc (only in writing I am pleased to say, although I have had threaths of physical harm) for uttering pronouncements like yours, albeit I sometimes get carried away. Stick around long enough and you may get carried away too! Another case of audio sanity breaking out on the 'Gon! Wonderful! Good day.
In thedoctor's camp, the brick & mortar dealers are brutally intimidating to those who want to learn the hobby before shelling out 5 figures for a system. I decided to start a relationship with my closest local dealer and they wanted to charge me a 50% markup on a YBA Integre, now they are giving me a hard time about fixing a Creek a friend passed down to me (I am out of work at the moment). Little wonder women don't flock to the high end. Maybe the predator phenomenon exists because I am in affluent WashDC, but now I have more respect, admiration & confidence in the Audiogon community than ever. The dealers just don't get it, that lifelong customers will spend more money in the long run than 1-time victims. Audio's worst enemy is among us.
Thanks PBB nice to know there are some level heads on gon. Next week im going to post this question "what things in your life (intra and extra personal) are suffering because you spend so much time and money on audio"
I think it's partially the power of designer's of audio manufacturers. Big corporations of Japan have sold to our eyes and not to our ear - knowing that vast majority of the population cannot even distinguish the difference in CD player's sounds. Even the consumer report said all the cd players sound alike - they are all good, so buy any one. While this move makes business sense, I wish it were different - I wish all the people would buy at least quality mid-fi like NAD, Parasound, Cambridge Audio, and Japan's Rotel.

Since I was critical of Japan's business practices, to be fair I should say something nice about them also to be fair - they have brought down the price of quality. Denon-mission exec. systems sound pretty musical, and looks classy, with sleep and waking up features. Kenwood mini system sound pretty musical for the money as well. Sony also is offering better sounding executive systems recently in upscale models only. They are sounding better each year for about the same price. So, thanks for making quality affordable and beautiful, Japan.

In Europe and Canada, more people do love audio than in US. We can learn from them on this matter. I think we audio lovers have the key to the land of beauty and happiness - sonic nirvanah some call it. Let's share this precious gift with our friends, and our children especially who cannot afford it otherwise. You heard of the Mozart effect - it promotes intellectual deveopment as well.

I wish Japanese corporations would improve all the shelf systems, as they have with their executive systems -They hurt my ears. Music hath powers to sooth our breast - brain research show measure-able positive effects as well, and all the shelf systems are an opportunity lost. Anyone in the industry, please ask them to send us better sounding shelf systems! With china's low wages these days, it should be possible to build better sounding ones for a little more money.

Denon-mission mini systems is musical sounding - we should give at least this quality to our children.

Let's come to know quality in life, rather than what they look like on the outside. Just as we audio lovers ponder why not more people enjoy this hobby, I wonder if other's also ask this question. It's heavenly to ponder, "what other joys await us, with a bit of commitment?"

From my experience, when an average person hears a quality audio, they react positively to it, but are turned off by the prohibitive cost, and by our constant upgrade bug. Let's learn to assemble an affordable mid-fi system, that can deliver musical non-fatiguing sound, incase our friends ask for it. Spread this joy, but not our bug.
The sincerity of this post is a tad suspect methinks. Audiophilia is largely an elitist hobby. The prices of gear dictate that someone not in the higher income bracket can't play this game. The unenlightened vast majority of music listeners are happy with an mp3 downloaded cd in their ipod or car radio.
Ferrari's , Rolexes and Wilson speakers cater to the same elevate-ourselves-from -the common man mentality. In my younger wilder days I was reliant on outside stimuli to enhance my musical sensibilities. Now that I've "grown up" ,I've found that audiophilia is the only way to satisfactorily enhance music to the same level that formerly involved my risking chromosome damage.