Good entry level cd?

I'm looking to buy a good "first" cd player. I'd like to buy used and spend $200-300. My equipment is...Aragon 2004 mkII, Yamaha rxv-659, heartland cables, and a $80 Pioneer dvd. Any suggestions?
Used Teac vrds 9, 10, 20 cd player. Very dynamic and robust sound. That probably would make a difference compared to your current dvd player.
Used Audio Refinement CDP. Change the power cable and it sounds great after that.
I was recently blown away by the Playstation One with RCA outs.

I kicked the OPPPO 980h on its booty. I thought the OPPO was a good player, until a $12 ebay playstation came in the mail.

I really recommend to try that first.

Stereophile did an article on the original Playstation, but that's deemed Class C, so it's pretty high end. You might want to try out a Fisher Price cdp, and run it to a DAC. A good start. ;)
Ok, seriously, I have an old NAD player which is pretty good for a couple hundred bucks. There's a couple on sale now for under $300.