Has Your Hobby Changed?

I have found that in the last couple of years my audiophile hobby has changed. It started with gear, then the focus shifted to the room and now I’m where I was headed at the start, listening to the music. It’s been a long road to audio nirvana but I wouldn’t change a thing. Every step of the process was interesting, enlightening and enjoyable. I’m looking forward to years of listening pleasure. To everyone on this platform that answered my questions and made suggestions, thank you for your help. It is appreciated.  Enjoy the music everyone!


Congradulations… good place to be.


You just described the cycle I went through about every seven to ten years. For seven years or so, I just listen to music. Then for two or three years go through an upgrade cycle: equipment, wire, vibration, room. Then back to music… the best part.

Great place to be, enjoying the music not chasing gizmos as many seem to do. 

In the same vein, my music preferred genres has shifted as I’ve aged, limited 60’s to 80’s pop and rock largely restricted to SIRIUSXM in the car.

it’s now a lot more of quality mastered Diana Krall, Chris Botti, Michael Buble, Ella Fitzgerald, light jazz , Yo To Ma , and a ,liberal insertion of classical .

THAT IN TURN predicated an change in certain audio components and a change in audio listening room at home that favour this evolution , namely:


- HARBETH 30.2XD speakers replacing prior prior rock genre floorstanders . The HARBETHs provide a best of class midrange and a better fit in a smaller room.

- MOON by SIMAUDIO 280D MIND2 streamer upgrade from BRYSTONs. Premium top of options build, performance and EZ app. The app utility’s a big chunk of digitsl satisfaction

- CARDAS CLEAR cables full loom upgrade from NORDOST FREY loom,,, with a specific choice of CLEAR REFLECTION speaker cables as a bespoke better choice to tame a digital “brightness” and digital “edge” now in my new heaby glass walled listening room.


I migrated out of my basement man-cave and left it strictly for a discrete 7.1 HT system. Now it’s resident in a sunshine flooded comfy LR with a lot of glass with its new audio first reflection warts …but it’s better in lifestyle joy for me now and in line with my new fave music genre and comfort in its new arena paired with a premium scotch or cognac . …



Congrats on reaching your pot-o-gold at the end of this audio rainbow. I'm in the same boat as you and finally have no desire to analytically listen anymore and instead, concentrate on the music.

I've been thinking of starting a thread for some time on the very subject you brought up, alluding to it in one way or another on other threads. It's times like this when I can finally appreciate the term, diminishing returns. 

The odd thing is, while no longer chasing components, I find myself spending less time listening as a means of analyzing, reducing the actual amount of listening for pleasure, as I had to conflate the two. Now I listen when I want to and not when I have to.

All the best,