Where are the female Audiophiles?

Based on my limited experience, I would guess that 98% of Audiophiles are male. But 51% of our population is female. What gives?

In this age where females and males are equally represented in Universities and in the Professions, why is this still true?

I would guess that it is a cultural thing, can't be genetic can it?
Is it different in other parts of the World?
Ok ... I'll bite. Here's my take on politics and high office.

In my opinion, to qualify for high office, one should be sane. If one wants such a job, he or she must be crazy. Therefore, anyone who wants to be in high office is automatically disqualified for the job.

Hey Nicknac, I'm ready for a boat too and a life of private solitude. Just have to figure out a way to get my rig on the boat.

:) :) :)

Enough said.
Bifwynne - Sorry to be off-topic, but I looked at your system. Are you interested in a pair of Reference 150s?


Tonight at the Musikverein, the audience and orchestra was evenly split between the genders. The gal in front of me was into it, rocking along with Schubert's Great Symphony in C Major AKA The Blitzkrieg.

* Except the brass. 

Women don’t want men to get the good a/v gear because they secretly have to be the evil queens competing with the snow whites to be able to get us.  😉

Women tend to have larger music collections than dudes (on average) and can appreciate great sound from equipment when they hear it. They are probably just wiser about economics than dudes. If you tell a female music lover+audiophile that a piece of wire+2 connectors should cost as much as a car, there is a very high probability that she would ask you to F/off, i.e., that level of dumassery is certainly the domain of the dumb dudes.

The female audiophiles in my house outnumber the dudes (wife and 2 daughters play musical instruments, have their own hifi rigs and significant music collections). Son is largely a mindless gamer dude and binge watcher of goofy sht on netflix, etc with no appreciation for music or hifi.