Suggestions for Phono Preamp

I'm interested in a decent phono preamp in the $1,000 area code (plus or minus a few hundred) for my Rega Planar 3 and I have a dynavector 20x2l mc cartridge to work with a tube amp which has both rca and xlr inputs. 

Here's the thing. I really don't like those tiny switches, especially when you have to open the preamp to get to them. Also, I hear that it is best to play around with the gain but how do you do that if changing the settings is a pain in the rear?

There are some preamps with the knobs for settings but they almost always are in the back and, again, that drives me crazy. Why can't the settings be in the front so you can easily access them and make changes/adjustments so you can actually hear differences? 

Anyhow, if anyone has suggestions, I'd much appreciate it.


I wouldn't really trust anything without dip switches, unless it's implemented as dials but that's way more expensive.

@quiddy I know about Nakamichis. I have a Nakamichi TA-4A amp. I've moved to tube amps and my issue are as follows: I bought a used LTA Z40+ integrated with the phono stage and the SUT which I believed was going to be my endgame amp. However, my secondary system has Nola Boxer 3SE speakers which begged for tubes so I thought I would get a tube amp for them. Right now, my TT is in my secondary system as my primary system is in my home office and there is no place for the TT until I retire (which I'm in the process of doing). When I retire, the TT goes to my primary speakers, Spatial Audio Lab X5s. I got the Don Sachs Valhalla amp because of all of the ranting and raving about how good it is and yes it lives up to the hype. So now the Valhalla is with my primary speakers and the LTA is with the TT and the bookshelf Nolas. So now, with the TT to go to the office/man cave area, I'll need the phono preamp for the Valhalla. 

I've done dipswitches before and I'm not afraid of them but they are inconvenient and take time to adjust. Unless the difference in sound is night and day, audio memory doesn't last that long and comparing settings when you have to take 15 minutes to change the settings on something isn't going to give you a really good idea of whether setting changes do anything. 

It's going to be a while before I'm fully retired as I can't do so until I'm completely done with my clients but the workload is smaller and smaller. There have been a few interesting suggestions but I also chuckle at the number of times that there are threads like this where the OP sets parameters and the advice the OP gets completely goes outside of the parameters. However, I do appreciate suggestions and will continue to look at them as there seems to be a lot of makes and models of phono preamps.  

@dz13 Apologies if I went outside the parameters. I was focused on no dip switches and quality, and the SR series lacks the former and excels in the latter. There is one gain switch on the back, of course. I hope you report back when you settle on a preamp, I'd love to know what you wind up with.