Thinking about another amplifier (Galion)

I keep coming across this Galion amp for some reason. I’ve watched a whole bunch of videos and read as much as I can about it. I’m leaning towards picking one up because of all the great things I hear about the bass, and that it still manages to deliver the rest of the tube magic at a nice price. But before going any further, I thought I’d ask if someone here might have some experience going from a 300B SET amp to something else, and if you were satisfied or not?

The current amplifier (pun intended) is a Line Magnetic LM-805ia (uses 2x 300B, 2x 805, 2x 6SN7 and a 6SL7). The one I’m looking at is a Galion TS120SE amplifier (uses 4x KT88 and 4x 12AX7).

I’m pretty darn happy with everything about my current setup...except I wouldn’t mind sacrifiing some of my super-sweet and syrupy mid-range for a little bit more bass, tightness, and slam. In case you’re wondering, I do have a 1 REL S/510 sub. I don’t plan on getting rid of my current amplifier anytime soon, but will eventually need to since I don’t really have the space for another big and heavy tube amp/ WAF.

I’d like to save myself from the whole cost and upgrade headache of swapping in new gear and having moving things around forever to get it all just right again. If there is a general concensus that this purchase is not be a great manuevuer, then I’ll steer clear.

In case it matters, I listen to mostly 70’s rock and soft/rock, funk, soul, 80’s new-wave/alt, all the great piano/singers, 90’s "grunge", acid-jazz, downtempo, and newer electronic music.

Speakers are Tannoy Turnberry and I mostly stream though a Lumin S1. Rarely, I’ll spin some vinyl (Rega Planar 6).

Some amps I’ve had in the past: Sansui Au-9500, Peachtree Nova 300, Prima Luna EVO 400. I’m hoping to get the bass the Peachtree Nova 300 had without giving up much else.

Thanks in advanced for taking the time to reading this and for your opinion.


Funny. I believe I've watched every YouTube video on this amp...except for this guy's. When I came this guy, I immediately skipped over him because I saw a flame-thrower at the beginning of the video. Since you mentioned it was helpful, I'll check it out. 

Your post got me thinking about off brands in high end audio… new contenders, lower cost with similar designs, new designs with new tech. I never heard of Galion. So I looked them up and read some stuff about them.

So, my thoughts run along two lines. First buying an amp for the same price as what you own typically replaces one set of weaknesses for another. This has been my experience every time. I am elated at a couple strengths and then really disappointed because I really lost some aspects I liked. So, I never do this any more.

When you move up in the quality of audio equipment all aspects get better… well if you choose well. I mean if you like really musical and you choose an ss amp known for high levels of detail you may be disappointed. But, if chosen for your tastes then doubling the investment improves all aspects (as it should). If you think of audio equipment as an onion… the higher you reach the more layers they get right. I never invest in less than 2x investment of my current component (with extensive research). That has always assured me each component was significant upgrade.


My second line of thought is that I now stick with the mainstream leaders. There is a reason they are the leaders. They are not a flash in the pan. They have a vision and have pursued it layer after layer of the onion. A great piece of equipment from these guys will allow you to discover nuances in music you did not know were there. They have worked on developing and refining equipment and sound quality for decades. For me Audio Research and Conrad Johnson cater to the sound I want. Other companies like Pass and Krell make amazing intermediate sounding components, then Boulder and Mark Levinson make more lean detailed stuff.

Given what you have said, I think you should trade in your current amp (after hearing) Audio Research and Conrad Johnson for an integrated of twice the value.


I got to my current system by upgrading my headphone system to a great and powerful 300B system and realizing how deficient my main system was. So I upgraded my main system to be as warm and as musical. My system is now all Audio Research. It does everything right.


I agree with the previous comments, you'll be giving up too much in areas where your current amp excels for some extra bass, which might not even be that noticible considering you are already using a sub.  I'd tinker with the sub to get the bass response you need or consider adding a second sub. 

i believe moving from your line mag amp to the galion would be a bad move... bass will not improve significantly and there will be a loss in the beauty in the mids and highs, which are more important

get a second, matching sub (or trade your single s510 for a pair of t9's)  and dial it in correctly in your room

Another sub or three will take care of the bass issue.

Re the Galion. Google Doge Amps. I had an email from

them 2 weeks ago. It seemed like the same amp as Galion

for $1,700. Another to compare to is the Wilsenton Amps

Line Magnetic and Tannoy should produce great sound.

Tannoys stop about 40db. Gott to add subs. 2 more of the

little REL  5Tx model will do it!