What should my heirs do to dispose of my vinyl and CDs?

I am typing up a document with all details of my system components and cables with approximate values.  No one else in the family knows anything about high end audio.  I suggested they sell the gear at US Audiomart.  What should I suggest they do with the vinyl and digital discs in my reasonably large collection?  I want them to get to others who can enjoy them when I no longer can. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


My heirs would probably throw them in the trash, or sell them for maybe 50 cents a piece in bulk.  It would be too much work for them to do some research and find out what they are worth.

Ear buds are all they know.

I also have a decent collection of fishing gear.  None of my relatives know which end the hooks go on.

They will be much more interested in the gun safe and ammo pile.

Doesn't matter.  My will says it all gets sold at auction and proceeds go to two specific charities.


@hifiman5 so eloquently and succinctly stated “My solitary passion”. Completely feel you my friend. Same same here…

Carolina Soul in Durham, NC. They do consignments. Have weekly auctions and EBay and Discogs presense.

Your heirs should send all their vinyl to me.  They can sell the CDs as coffee cup coasters.

If you use the dicogs app to catalog your vinyl and cd collection, a successor can list those items for sale within the app after you die (assuming you share your login information), the app will provide pricing information as well.