Aric Audio Custom 300b PSET

Hey guys. I just wanted to share my initial impressions regarding Aric Audio Custom 300b PSET I just plugged in. Posting here because of the numerous discussions regarding Aric’s equipment I read that convinced me to take a chance on a small company’s, handmade amp. 
I’m coming from 25 years of solid state and very recently a Synthesis el34 50 watt push pull amp. The Synthesis sounds great and I didn’t buy the new amp because I was displeased in any way. I’d purchased it while waiting for some Decware gear, which after 7 months couldn’t do anymore. I wanted a handmade, point to point amp, so I researched around and came across Aric Audio here. Gave him a call, discussed what I was looking for and Aric gave his recommendations. I was a bit nervous when he suggested the 300b. I’d never heard them before and those tubes are pricey! Many good reviews later, I decided, F*ck it! I’m in. Placed the order and added some upgrades. 
After 4 or 5 weeks, got the call and picked up the amp. It sat for a day and I plugged it in today. I stream through a Cambridge cxn v2 and Topping d90le dac. Speakers are Audio Note-e/lx, AN Lexus speaker wire, Black Dragon interconnect and xlr’s. 
Listening was really surprising. I’m amazed how different the sound is from the Synthesis with el34’s. The sound is much more powerful. You feel it more. The vocals are a bit more forward. Staging is far better. Probably the weirdest is the blackness. Just so quite and yet I hear so much more. Texture to instruments, if that’s a proper way to explain it. I’m new to this world so proper words escape me. Fullness, sharp instrument strikes and naturalness come to mind. The clarity of the music is striking. I almost feel like I’m hearing things I shouldn’t in the music, like feet tapping and inhalations for example. Very cool. 😀

I look forward to hearing how the amp improves. I do hope the cymbals settle just a bit. They don’t glare and aren’t bright, just very clear and more prominent compared to previous amp/tubes. I’m sure my brain and ears need an adjustment period as well. Each equipment change I do freaks me out! I look forward to sharing developments and hope to hear your comments. 


Sorry to report at this time that even this wonderful Aric 300b amp isn’t good enough to make Pink Floyd’s Endless River sound any good. First time I listened to this album and wish I hadn’t. Lol. Recorded decently and sounds great on the system, but the music isnt their best. 

@earthbound I've got to agree! I wasn't aware this album existed until now- so I decided to take a listen. I think I nodded off a few times and so I skipped a few tracks and the same thing happened! Lol. Best, Aric

I didn’t know it existed either and see that there is another album from a few years ago. I’ve decided to go through some of my favorites from their first album to their last. Yesterday I did the Beatles Please Please Me and Rush Rush. The remastered Beatles sounded so good through the new amp. Was really impressed. The Stones and Robert Johnson tonight! Everyone have an enjoyable and safe holiday. 

Enjoy !!!   There is nothing quite like unboxing something special like that.   

Happy Listening!!!

Some nice cuts and taste in music there! I'm usually all over the place, but have been on a Woods Brothers kick for the last couple of days. Next day it might be Indie/Alt or maybe some classis Metal I used to listen to in the 80's. I hope you continue to enjoy the amp and have a great Thanksgiving!