Looking at best option for 20-25k for DAC Streamer combo

I currently have Lumin x1 and looking to upgrade.  I’m thinking in the 20-25K range.   I don’t need a preamp since I have the CH Precision L1.  I’m considering DCS Bartok, Aurender A30, Esoteric N-01XD, Luxman D10X (SACD player with super DAC.  I like the idea of an all in one, but open minded.  I’d like to hear you thoughts and recommendations.


You should audition the Wyred4Sound 10th anniversary dac, the reviews have been stellar, one of the reviewers put it up against his VPI turntable with a $5,000 Japanese cartridge and he said that the 10th anniversary dac was every bit as analog sounding, and the company even gives you a 30-day trial period if you don't like it send it back and you can get your money back I've got it and I agree it's the most analog sounding dac that I've ever had in my system, and my system is no slouch it's worth $60,000.

I decided to go with the MSB a direct with streamer and dual power supplies.  I like the MSB sound and wanted to try an R2R DAC.  I was also interested in their trade up plan for down the road.  Thank you for all of your great responses.  There are a lot of good options!

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