IFi Zen Stream with Qobuz

What is the best way to setup the ifi Zen Stream to work Qobuz? I would like to get 24/196 when available and also trying to find out if that’s possible with this setup. Most likely going to use a Denefrips Ares II in conjunction with the Zen Stream. 

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Agree with @jackd to spend a few more dollars on a reputable brand to minimize the risk of potentially damaging your equipment. 

I am using a 12v SBooster with my ZS. I know, it does not make sense because the SBooster costs almost as much as the ZS, I told my dealer it does not make sense when he suggested it, then he connects the SBooster to the ZS…. and after 30s, I bought it. I do not know if a lower cost power supply can have the same effect but I can confirm that the ZS responds very well to a better PS.