Anyone own Linear Tube Audio Amps?

I am considering  buying an new LTA 40 Integrated amp. MSRP $7,650. 45 wpc.

I was considering the new ARC I-50 but now think this product may suit me better.


My speakers are Tannoy -94 Sensitivity and Fritz-87 Sensitivity. They both are fine

with my current Pass Labs INT25. 

The room is medium sized. I listen at quite low levels 60-70 db. Jazz & vocal mostly.

My thinking is that I will still get good detail but ad the warmth of tubes.

LTA gives a 14 day trial so I can a/b them with the Pass.


I checked the archives and nothing there of help.


Love to hear from any LTA fans.



as i stated earlier, i have the lta zotl ref power amp, now with the factory parts upgrade mod - i run mullard el34’s and have old stock small signal tubes up front

i think the last poster said it well, i concur

the lta zotl, at its best (with really good tubes in it) gives a kind of 'the best of both worlds' - tube magic bloomy dimensional midrange and holography in imaging, along with the speed and clarity that so much tube amps cannot provide... some will say that this is a negative but more detail and clarity without the attendant negatives of typical solid state (forward character, lack of soundstage depth, overt harshness and sibilance) is a positive, it is what we as listeners seek - to have cake and eat it too

that said, what the zotl does not do, is provide the slam and deep bass iron grip that the best solid state amps provide... so as usual synergistic matching to speakers is essential...

A couple of other things. I have Spatial Audio Labs X5 speakers so the bass isn't an issue for me since the woofers are driven by hypex class D amps. The other thing I forgot to mention which I think is a big difference (beyond the warmth that the EL34s have over the KT77s) between the EL34s and the KT77s is that the KT77s put the vocals up front. It's almost like having a really clear center speaker in a HT set up that puts the dialogue out there front and center. It was a bit jarring at first but it has actually grown on me.

Quick update, I added Psvane EL34s to the mix and I'm really loving it. Hearing things I didn't know were there in the music. 

Older thread, but based on my recent experience I’d love to add my two cents. I purchased the Linear Tube Audio preamp and have had it in my system for about a week. 

Wow… I’ve just been utterly impressed with the unit. The marriage of the solid state details with a tube tone is the perfect description. For me, it’s endgame equipment. Sitting here listening to old recordings feeling like the artists are in my living room. Enthralling. 

I had the complete opposite experience. I bought a 6 month old LTA40 + integrated with NOS Mullards thinking this was my end game amp and that it would blow my Raven Blackhawk away. Owned it 2 weeks, didn’t like it at all and resold it for no loss. Nice to try but the problems were it lack that deep full warm resonate bass, sounded to SS/neutral lacking that tube full analog/warmth. I listen at lower volume (50-70 db) which was not this amp’s strength. When I turned the volume up is was better. Installing Gold Lion KT77’s improved the bass and clarity.  It just sounded veiled/muffled at lower volume.  I even compared it to my Home Theatre amp on another system and had the same result.  Don’t get me wrong this amp sounded incredible at higher volume. Realism, soundstage, quiet background, separation of instruments just amazing not in a tube amp way.  What I did learn was like that traditional tube sound and full detail at lower volume. Not the outcome I was expecting at all!