Are there any more good multi format disc players out there?

I miss the old days, circa 2007. I miss my great sounding multi channel Marantz disc player the UD7007, and the way it played dvd-audio, SACDs, and redbook convincingly. I have a lot of multi channel SACDs and dvd-a that I can’t listen to because my current player only does two channel. Does anyone know of any new players marketed for that same purpose, or do I need to get with the times, buy a streamer and admit defeat? I understand that not all multi channel audio was good, but a lot still is, and having the option to play it—in high resolution two channel as well—was terrific.

I still have the Marantz, but I was told it wasn’t worth repairing. Maybe it is after all. Maybe something on the used marketplace?

Anyone have any suggestions?


@ghdprentice the point is, I already have a lot of physical media in high resolution two channel and multi channel audio, enjoyed the way it sounded with my Marantz UD 7007, and wish to duplicate that enjoyment. Streaming isn’t going to do that. And As far as I know, streaming is only offered in two channel. Where’s the fun in that?

Despite my stubbornness, I absolutely thank you for your suggestions. I will seriously consider them.


Thanks for your comments. Ok, I guess I did misunderstand your post. Streaming does not do more than two channels. Nor is there such a thing as audiophile more than 2 channel sound. I have a very high end home theater system and as great as it is, it is not capable of real high end music audio.


So, I guess my comments only apply to two channel.


With due respect to the other posters here, my sympathies are with the OP.

It is nonsense that a multichannel system cannot be high end.  I have two Multichannel systems in my home as well as a two channel.  The Universal Players are Oppo 203 and Pioneer LX 500, respectively.  A well recorded SACD, Blu Ray, or DVD-A can derive benefits from Multichannel.  Exhibit A is the Pentatone Brahms Symphony cycle with Marek Janowski and the Pittsburgh Symphony.  The extra channels are used to supply ambience, reflections, and such, and elevate a really good two channel recording to a superb and realistic concert experience.

  Regrettably neither of those machines are available new.  Sony is still making Universal Players and the aforementioned Reavon is there as well

@mahler123 that’s the problem— I don’t want to part with all the multi channel discs I have, and many of them sound really good with a properly calibrated system. Granted, some of them don’t bring anything new to the table, or the way the sound is mixed makes you scratch your head, but if they sound too strange in multi, there’s always a two channel high rez option to listen to. I enjoyed these discs, even with all their quirks. 

And I’m convinced that high resolution audio is going to make a comeback. Without getting into a long winded discussion, it’s still superior to other formats.