Speaker polyamory -- or, stories about getting a second set to alternate with your primary

So many threads out there are about chasing the ultimate speaker -- or getting rid of speakers to try something new.

Here, I am looking for different stories. 

If this applies to you, tell me about a time you had a certain kind of speaker and decided to get a second set to swap in. Maybe you had stand mounts and you wanted to swap in towers....maybe you had box speakers and wanted electrostats...maybe it was because you were super curious about a different brand...

Curious about your second, swap in speaker set...and why.

And, if you eventually fell out of love with the first pair and divorced them...feel free to confess to that, too.

Stay cool!


I’ve practiced serial monogamy in this respect, but if I had the space, I’d buy another pair of speakers. I am now using Janszen hybrid electrostatics; the second pair would be monitors in the British tradition (Harbeth, Spendor, Stirling, Graham).

Come to think of it, I have a pair of Harbeth P3ESR in my second (desktop) system. I enjoy listening to them very much, but there is a special way that the main system -- with the Janszens in a quiet room -- can transport me.

I’ll be interested in what people say!

Thanks, Mike. I know my curiosity is piqued by electrostatics (e.g. Eminent) but also by the British speakers. 

My older used Raidho D2s are an end-gamer aside from one aspect, high volumes. I mostly play nicely and they are fabulous in every other single way, BUT,

I'd love a nice $5k used quality floorstander with huge dynamics.  Every once in a while, rarely, loud and clean are still plain old fun. Even if only for a short time.

(A big set of Maggies might really float my boat though for another sound.)

I owned ML SL3s as mains 16 years and stlll have them, hence Maggie interest but Janszen has intrigued me and I'm sure they are great.

I heard large three-way Harbeth's in a good set-up playing classical and although I'm not a classical guy much, I could not leave the room the sound was so stunning.