Etheregen - doesn't seem right that it gets so hot, dangerous? Unpredictable?

This network device as glorious as it may be gets extremely hot, almost burning to the touch. Something doesn't seem right about that.

Is there a good alternative to using this thing, it was about $600 which isn't cheap. Optical connectivity which I like seems to be a good thing.

Frankly I'm not sure what the value is it with it vs something else that may be operationally more healthy to use.  So I disconnected it because the heat level seems kind of dangerous.  I have no confidence that it will Control itself and get absolutely and dangerously too hot in the future.


i only listen with the ether regen in the signal path... but i have gotten used to wearing my nomex race suit and have fire extinguisher mounted under my listening seat 😂

Recently undergoing a lounge renovation, the audio system was dismantled including the EtherRegen.  I found with great difficulty to unplug the Ethernet cable, the jack had a distorted plastic case and wouldn't disconnect.  Spent several minutes trying to dislodge, but eventually came out. The rj45 case felt brittle, most likely due to the heat. 

The next rj45 goes in will have to cope with an ambient of 80C to avoid the same drama. I just wonder how the tiny connections hold up...

You think etherregen hot, try 845 SET amp, damn thing is wonderful space heater in winter, summer forgetaboutit.

Comparing the switch to an amplifier or tube it's not really a good comparison.

Retired this thing after about a year and quite frankly I have a very revealing system and I don't notice any difference whatsoever. 

So I'll probably get an optical converter and a nicer switch.

Yes they do say it will run hot, they don't explain why, it's circuitry. No reason for it to be so hot. I discovered the thing flipped over on top of my hardwood floor and left a mark, how stupid was that to do.