Benchmark Dac1 - next step recommendations please

I've been using the Dac1 for over 6 months with my dvd player as a transport and long term I'm looking at computer->Dac solution.

While I like the Dac1 the next step is not as clear. Have folks used the USB Dac1 connected to their computer or perhaps upgraded to a higher-end Dac with a Squeezebox solution?

I've heard higher end players costing 3-5 times as much so I know you can get better sound. Current system: Dac1 - deHavilland UltraVerve - CJ 2500a

Thanks for the advice.
One approach would be to improve your DAC. I think you should consider the Audio Horizons TD 3.0 DAC ($2250), which can be obtained on a 30 day trial basis. It's a wonderful performer. You can find it advertised here on Audiogon.

I've used the TD 3.0 with both tube (VTL MB 185 Signature) and solid state (Simaudio W-5) amplification. Also, I've delivered digital signal to it from both a high end transport (Levinson 37) and a file server (SONOS ZP80). In each configuration, the TD 3.0 has been a great performer.
Thanks Cedar,
I'm wonder if anyone has had good results with Modding a Dac1 or is the next step going to a better DAC?
If you haven't already, you should look at the website for Empirical Audio, Steve Nugent's company. They mod the DAC1 and also are thought leaders in the PC audio space.