DAC comparison

Hello all. I have a chance to grab an ARC Dac 8. I currently have a Schiit Yggy. Has anyone had the opportunity to hear both that could comment on these two dacs? Thanks in advance. 


I owned the DAC 8 for six months. Used it with a Wyred4Sound upsampler.  I also got a chance to look at the output on an oscilloscope.  That DAC had some visible noise issues which at least one reviewer commented about. 

The DAC 8 is only good with high resolution files. Something more modern will work a lot better with Redbook. I switched to a Mytek Brooklyn and was a lot happier overall.

Get something newer.

Erik I was concerned about the age of this dac too. Wasn’t sure how it stacked up with modern dacs. Thanks for input. 

Former owner of the DAC 7 and the Yggdrasil. Sharing more about your preferences, desired outcomes and system focus will be helpful.