Getting good sound quality below 200Hz

I run open baffles with currently 15" Eminence Alpha bass drivers with their dedicated Rotel amp and crossed over at 200Hz with 24db slope.

This underpins the upper driver beautifully but by contrast if I play it on its own its not at all impressive, lacking primarily in both definition around the sounds and also impact.

My first question "is this typical of what sound is like below 200Hz"

Secondly looking to improve this should I concentrate on improving the 15"drivers or the amp?


Please don’t recommend a powered sub as I have one already which will eventually underpin the 15"drivers when I have that bit right.



Yoyoyaya  Looks like you are right about this, but it was a surprise to me and I needed a reality check.


I tend to agree. It’s as if you’re trying to fix what may not be broken. Without hearing the range of frequencies the instrument produces, it will never sound right. A bassist plucking the lowest note on the instrument cannot be reproduced if frequencies above 200 are excluded. 

The frequency response chart is from a test infinite baffle.  It is not as good an indicator as the response for the speaker in cabinets so please look at the fr in the PDF.

Having said that, the example cabinets say if you try to use this in the home you are going to need a lot of EQ to get to neutral, and that brings us back to measurements. This is a speaker with a lot of tone for stage performance.

A few things.... In general, listening to 150 to 250 hz alone sounds like mud. You are listening to the highest bass regions or more arguably the lowest midrange frequencies. Thanks to @pedroeb for posting a link to the driver. This driver has a QTS of 1.26, that alone tells you that this woofer is ideal in a huge sealed box or free air situation, but also, this very high QTS also tells a story of how this driver can react. Also, you are correct about the graph.  That spike is huge, but crossed at 200hz at 24db per octave that driver is down near 100db by the time it reaches that spike. 

So a few suggestions. Make sure that you use an amplifier with great control over your woofer, it doesn’t have to be tons of power, but most likely should be. You are after an amplifier with good current capabilities.

Placement is critical, this woofer will respond to boundries in the 200hz range like few others. Distance to the floor and rear and side walls all matter.

I suggest that you download Room EQ Wizard software. It is free and works fairly well. I’ve seen it said a few times in this forum to measure speakers very close to the driver. in this case, measure from the seating position first, then move the mic closer to the speakers up and down and side to side and look where your boundries have peaks or dips in the frequencies that you are concerned about. Also look for a hole right above 200.  You do not need a crazy expensive mic, the idea hear isn’t to get accuracy to a tenth of a db, plus or minus 1db will give you a look at what you are dealing with. I suspect that you are dealing with your room. .

When I was a college student in the early 80's we created a tape of many different instruments playing the exact same note.  We used woodwinds, brass, strings, tubular bells, you name it, we had access to the entire orchestra's instrument room.

We then deliberately removed the attack and decay of each note played, leaving only the sustained note.

We then played the tape of notes to a group of listeners and asked them to identify the instrument playing the notes.  And no-one could do it.

We then wrote the instruments on the chalk board and told them these were the instruments they could match up to the notes and played the tape again and only a few were identified.

What this experiment tells us is that the way we perceive an instrument's sound has as much to do with the attack and decay as the note being played.  Thus when you only focus on the lower end of the frequency spectrum of an instrument you are in a similar way eliminating much of what you need to perceive what you are hearing; after all the attach and decay is mostly in the extreme frequencies.

Taken into consideration you might find it interesting to listen to the whole instruments frequencies, and then replace the lower end with different technologies renderings to get a better perception of the whole sound as it changes.

You may find that by nature some technologies render some instruments with lower frequency spectrums more to your liking than others, mostly depending on the instruments overtones and how the attack-decay-sustain sounds overall with the chosen technology.
