Integrated Amp Suggestions

Looking to buy a new integrated amp. Needs to have home theater bypass and also ability to connect 2 pairs of speakers A/B. Rotel Ra1592 Mkii and Musical Fidelity M6si 500 are on list so far. Suggestions


REGA OSIRIS integrated amp.

Refined audio presentation with massive power supplies (56 lb beast) that cranks out 160W into 8 ohms, increasing to 250W into 4 ohms.

It also has the HT direct bypass.



The new Hifi Rose RA180 has the A-B speaker taps and decent power. What speakers are you driving? 250wpc @8ohms is healthy. Also the RA180 doesn't have HT bypass. I would go with the Michi X5 if i was in the market for a new integrated and needed unlimited power.


Using Klipsch RF7 for home theater. Fritz Carbon 7 for 2 channel. Also Klipsch Forte for 2 channel. I know 250wpc is overkill. I like headroom and you never know what I will be driving in future,