Benchmark DAC-1, Lavry DA10, Altmann Attraction

Has anyone had a chance to compare any of these 3 DACs?
My understanding based on comments in various forums is that in general Benchmark DAC-1 sounds very detailed, but in some systems may be too thin, with decent but not the best dynamics and soundstage.
Lavry on the other hand sounds more “musical” as compared to Benchmark (whatever that means, could not find much info on its presentation).
Where does Altmann Attraction fall in this picture?
Is it indeed so much better than any of the two mentioned, and are those few reviews justified?
I have not heard the Lavry but I have the Altmann and the Benchmark. The Benchmark is like white wine while the Altmann is like Red wine. Depends on what you prefer. The Bechmark is detailed almost sterile presentation while the Altmann is a more relaxed almost analog presentation. The Altmann's soundstaging is superior too. The highs sound almost rolled off compared to the Benchmark.
Benchmark phase is so accurate that soundstage images tend to be more accurately positioned between the speakers (impression is a narrower soundstage than most other DAC's or alternatively other DACs tend to have a wider soundstage) Take your pick.
I compared a current Benchmark DAC1 to my DAC 3 and the BelCanto was a very clear upgrade in refinement over the Benchmark , but it should be an improvement as it commands a higher price. The new Bryston BDA-1 maybe great as well but I have not heard this DAC yet. I've seen both the BelCanto and the Bryston go used for around $1400, well worth the few hundred dollars more given improved sonics over the Benchmark.
The Bechmark is detailed almost sterile presentation while the Altmann is a more relaxed almost analog presentation. The Altmann's soundstaging is superior too

What everyone is alluding to is that Benchmark DAC1 is so clean it sounds "thin" especially in the lower mids (think in the direction of a horn sound - that kind of clarity) and the exact phase between the two channels makes the soundstage smaller - less depth and less width. If you prefer a laid back slightly less in phase relaxed sound then almost any DAC will sound preferable to the DAC1. If you have a test CD with in-phase and out-of-phase signals then you will know what I mean - it is nothing near as dramatic as a test CD ( maybe 2% or 3% versus the 100% difference on a test CD) but you get the idea.

Anyway this is my observation and it seems to be backed up by what everyone else seems to hear.
I have had the Benchmark DAC for a while now and here are my experiences.
I'm feeding it directly into a power amp, using the built in analogue volume. I never felt it needs a preamp unless you have more than one source.

I observed it to have very clear and non-fatiging highs because of the lack of distortion and harshness.
I find the bass dryish and therefore very revealing of what's going on in the lower frequencies, without sounding muffled or dark.
I found the midrange just about right, though a little laid back.

Overall it was a little cool sounding but not thin, and I felt that I was a bit removed from the music. That is until I played around with various powercords.
I found that adding a robust sounding power cord transformed this beautiful sounding DAC into a full bodied, robust, and warm sounding unit. I was shocked as this made a bigger differance than interconnects made.

Incidentally the better more detailed interconnects didn't make the DAC sound thin, but just made you know what this DAC is capable of. The powercord on the other hand unchoked the power and let it really sound big and powerful, w/o any loss of detail or soundstage.

These are my experiences so YMMV.