Having a problem when HVAC system turns on and cuts my system off!

Ok here’s the deal smart Agoners. I have been in this new house with pretty much the same rig with no issues for a year or so. I play music pretty much all day now in our living room space that opens up to the kitchen. Several times throughout the day, not every time, when the HVAC system turns on it will cause my computer server usb connection to the dac to fail. Usually a few seconds after the HVAC turns on the USB signal is lost.....cuts out?

My system is on a dedicated 20 amp line with two levels of conditioning before the dac and computer server. A BPT balanced conditioner feeding two Core Power Technology balanced conditioner/cords to my system. See my virtual system for a better understanding.

I have have to turn off the dac and turn it back on to re-initiate and play music again. My dac is built into my amp just as an FYI. What the heck is going on and what is the fix?

Must be some kind of electrical surge or such that is somehow impacting my direct AC line and system. Strange. Happening more often of late.


Home Depot sells a whole home electrical monitoring device called "Energy Wiser". Wondering if anyone here has one in their home and if so if it could monitor what their stereo system doing. 

Also, you may have a bad starter cap on the HVAC.

+1 This. If your A/C unit is old get an inverter type.