Streaming music comparisons and quality

At a 320 bit rate, what are recommendations as to which companies are best......I'm thinking MOG.
MOG is fantastic - I use it every day in the office. Linn has 3 streaming channels of their own music that sounds excellent (jazz, classical and eclectic), but you can't choose what you want to hear, and some of it is a bit weird and not that great. However, if they happen to be playing something you like, the sound is very good.
I listened to the Pandora premium service for a long time but have switched over almost completely to MOG. It's a well thought out interface that lets you control completely what you listen to but provides several ways to branch out to music you might not know about. The breadth of their catalog is remarkable, as well. Their 320 kbps stream sounds quite good, better than the 256 of Pandora One.