Anyone know how good MHDT Labs Paradisea DAC is?

There has been some talk on the net that it is a bit of a bargain. True or false?
Yes the receiver chip in the Paradisea can process 24/96. I prefer when using my disc player as a transport to run the Monarchy at 24/48. It just sounds fuller too my ears. Get a 1.5 or 5 ft digital cable to run from the Monarchy to the Paradisea. The Blue Jeans work great for this. My buddy bought the BJ after he tried mine out against his DH labs cable and another much more expensive cable that shall remain nameless.
Hi all. I just purchased a Paradisea and am waiting for it to come. It's amazing to find a piece that is so cheap, and pleases almost everyone who hears it. I read above that some are using a Monarchy to "feed" the DAC. Is this some processor between the transport and the DAC?
You must have been one of two buyers the other day. The DACs normally don't last long on Ebay. You can go here and read up on the Monarchy DIPs .
Gmood1, Yep. I bought it yesterday afternoon. I kept missing them so had Ebay alert me when one came up and I got lucky. It had been sitting there for five hours. An eternity with all the attention these are getting.
I owned the Paradisea for 6 months. I am extemely happy with it. I am using Squeezebox and FLAC for all my digital music. The setup is the original NAIM 5 integrated and NAIM Credo speakers. The Paradisea with WE 396 sounds richer yet as detailed and the NAIM CD 5. The Bendix Redbank 6385 sound very wierd. You get a kind of drunk and uneven sound with much base but noticebly less detail. Non redbank bendix and all other cheaper WE396 clones do not come even close.