starting equiment that ic cold from being shipped

Is it a real thing that you court problems if you turn on an ice cold amplifier or pre-amp without waiting 24 hours for temperature to rise.  I have long awaited Krell FPB and KCT shipping tomorrow,  It's single digits in the Midwet.  Should I wait a full 24 hours for the equipment to warm inside before introducing any electricity into the components?


"My frost knee jerk..."  I guess auto correct is warning me to wait!   Krell advised waiting but had to be asked.  There was no proactive warning but after reading other sources, I decided that there is a chance of problems and since shipping costs me around 500 round trip, I will wait.  Most things i have read suggest that leaving the items wrapped is a good thing as it hinders condensation from forming inside box and plastic wrapping and acclimates slowly.  I will wait at least 24 hours and continue to play my toy stereo from Goodwill.


Just stick 'em in the oven at 100 deg F for a couple hours; will markedly reduce any latent humidity and make your cat happier when you set it up for a listen and they take up residence thereon.

The obvious seems to have passed you by. Ask your dealer. Get anything they say in writing, then you can follow this advice and use it as evidence if you need support / make a warranty claim.

Opening them up to warm up is a terrible idea. This will expose the electronics to any water vapor in the room and greatly greatly increase the likelihood of condensation forming. Leaving them sealed more or less restricts the opportunity for condensation to any water vapor present at the time of shipment from the factory - condensation that would have already formed as the unit cooled during shipment.  However, I am guessing the manufacture likely packs the equipment with desiccant that absorbs all water vapor present at packing and prevents condensation. However, the desiccant won’t work quickly enough to prevent condensation from an entire room full of water vapor. Keep it sealed and be patient for 24 hours.

FYI - my day job is Chemical Engineer. 


@dekay ​​@holmz  - I feel bad. I meant no disrespect when I said opening them was a “terrible idea”.  It was an in-artful way to open my response and I don’t want to promote discord on this site.

I do stand by my opinion that it will be better to leave the box sealed to warm up. 
