Dumb question - how do you easily insert a photo/image inline with writing text in a post?

when i try to insert an image, i click the 'image' button in the upper buttons zone above the posting space ... but then it asks me for a ’url’...

let's say i have an image in my google drive, or even on my computer local drive...

in my basic e-mail apps, you can attach an image with an ’attach’ button, which a-gon doesn’t provide, or even easier, just ’copy’ and then ’paste’ an image in between blocks of typed text...

i am not the most computer savvy person... any assistance would be gratefully received... :)


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thank for trying to help... i just did the copy and paste thing for an image on the prior post just below/above... but when i tried to paste in the copied image after my typed text, i got a little tiny dot... then it disappeared totally when i hit ’post’ 😣

otoh, i can see if there a pic on a webpage, i can copy the link to that webpage, then put in the pic button’s ’url’ space, then the site will pull in that picture...




I am using a PC. Not sure how its done with a tablet if that is what you are using. One thing I have learned is that text must be above or below picture. And I have to often do some hard returns (Enter on the keyboard) so as to get room for text above or below the picture.


yes i am using a chromebook - that might the problem... might be some incompatibility in the picture copy/paste function to clipboard on these

i will grab my notebook pc in a bit, and try same functions using that machine