No more Zu Dirty Weekends replacement suggestions

Hello. My son is turning 30 so I thought i would get him something that he would use daily. I decided to get him Zu Dirty weekends and put together a starter system for him. Now that they  are no more  I have no idea what speakers to look at in the 1200 range. He like all types of music but leans towards EDM and rap often. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you. 


Thank you for the suggestions! I will do both keep an eye out for preowned and research your suggestions. Thank you again!

Zu is no longer going to offer DW's? Zu sold a lot, you may be able to find a good deal on a used pair. 

Thank you for the suggestions. No Zu put out a memo saying basically they were not profitable for them. 

I own Zu’s and for that style of music might look elsewhere.  Used Monitor Audio or Focal maybe?