LSA Voyager GAN Amplifier

Just got mine last week.  After 24 hours of play all I can say is that this is not your father's class D amplifier.  There is not one thing about its sound that reminds me of the class D gremlins that I do not like.  The low end filled in and now has deep impact, the midrange is the love child of a beautiful tube and clean hybrid amp - just gorgeous.  Highs are very clean and extended. Spatial cues are top notch. My system has had some damn good tube and solid state amps in it before and it has never sounded this good.  I am blown away with the quality of sound coming from class D amplification at this price point.

This 300 wpc amplifier is a real winner.....
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Again, you cannot tell you got rid of the hysteresis by measurements. More feedback will lower the distortion number....does not mean there is no longer hysteresis. Is hysteresis even measureable? There is no correlation to any measurement and reduction of AUDIBLE hysteresis. You have to listen to really know something......sorry, just the way it is. NOTHING is self evident from distortion measurements.......except a measurement. There is zero correlation between measurements and the sound of electronics........please, again, i beg you to show me the double blind listening test results that show a correlation between measurements and sound quality.........where are they? In your mind......Its all in your mind. We must listen to know something.

I don’t need his or your respect from your minds opinions. I respect myself. I love myself. I am worthy. What I know is what I experience. I trust my experience and my ears. I am not other directed. I don’t need the praise of someone else....except the real praise that comes from the heart. I love Bruno.....he loves me. What we think in our minds is just thoughts.......usually ego based. The soul just loves. I love you, I love Bruno, you love me....Bruno loves me......this is truth....eternal truth.

There is zero correlation between measurements and the sound of electronics........please, again, i beg you to show me the double blind listening test results that show a correlation between measurements and sound quality.........where are they?




You just don't get it- you can't correlate something objective like actual measured physical phenomena like distortion with something subjective like "good sound", by definition. Yes, "good sound" is all in your head, and only yours.

NO, you don't get it.  Good sound is good sound.  Measurements have no sound.  They are just in your head. 

We could go on and on......the basic objectivist versus subjectivist game.......I am stopping now......why don't you do likewise.....I am sure that you will want the last word though......have at matter what you do.....eternal love and joy still exists in the now.  Please tune into it for all our sakes.



Again, you cannot tell you got rid of the hysteresis by measurements. More feedback will lower the distortion number....does not mean there is no longer hysteresis. Is hysteresis even measureable? There is no correlation to any measurement and reduction of AUDIBLE hysteresis. You have to listen to really know something......sorry, just the way it is. NOTHING is self evident from distortion measurements.......except a measurement. There is zero correlation between measurements and the sound of electronics........please, again, i beg you to show me the double blind listening test results that show a correlation between measurements and sound quality.........where are they? In your mind......Its all in your mind. We must listen to know something.

If you insist on being detached from reality then it will be impossible for us to have a meaningful conversation. Absolutely hysteresis will show up in a distortion test, especially any IM distortion test. It should be self evident. If it is not, there is not much i can do to help you. I suggest studying hysteresis more and perhaps modelling it in an electronic circuit. There are mathematical models that are half decent and that you could plug into spice and see what happens.

Any distortion in the feedback loop is going to be influenced by negative feedback. that is what negative feedback does. It is analog error correction. And since you can measure the distortion before and after, especially IM distortion, it is very easy to know what the feedback does to the distortion. You not understand this does not make it incorrect, it just means you do not understand this.

If you did the simulation, or even built a test circuit and measure it, you would see what the distortion products look like. From that, knowing the level and order of even and odd harmonics, you can relate how that may sound, from the tons of psycho acoustic studies into distortion, to the average person. This is science, but not rocket science. Again, you not knowing this does not make it not true, it just means you do not know it.

I can't tell you specifically how any given person is going to behave to a specific distortion signature, but I can certainly make generalizations that will be highly accurate across a wider population of listeners. That is why we know added distortion, even added noise can result in pleasing listening impressions, or false sense or loudness, or harshness or ....  Because while we are different, we are also very similar.